Our experienced design staff and mechanical engineers can design your enclosure for you, starting from anything from a rough description, drawings or sketches,components, circuit boards or other guidance or information provided by you. Design Services are used by customers who are too busy to take on the design work themselves, or who simply lack the resources or know-how required to design their enclosure. We can create the complete mechanical design for your new product, or we can make modifications and improvements to your existing mechanical design.
Prototype development is a key part of the product development effort that our design engineers use allowing them to explore design alternatives, test theories and confirm performance prior to starting production of a new product. Our talented Engineers use their experience to tailor the prototype according to the specific unknowns still present in the intended design. A series of prototypes will often be designed, constructed and tested as the final design emerges and is prepared for production. With rare exceptions, multiple iterations of prototypes are used to progressively refine the design. Our strategy in developing your product is design, test, evaluate and then modify the design based on analysis of the prototypes.
Prototype and short run components are created quickly using state of the art machines both manual and CNC such as our Milltronics CNC Vertical Machining Center. Please stop in for a tour of our facility.
Starting from a completed CAD drawing is the quickest way to turn your drawing to ENCLOSURE. All you have to do is send us the CAD file and we take it from there. Material we use: Plastic(ABS, PMMA, POM, PA, PC, PP, PVC and so on), Metal(Steel, Brass, Alluminum).
Our lead time is about 3-5 days, minium order quantity is 1 piece. We offer competitve price and excellent service and high quality So please just send us 3D files (in. IGS/. X-T/. PRT/. STP/. STL format ) of your project, tell us your specifc requirement, then we will soon practise your idea to truth.